All the packages (sources or binaries, clients and libraries) can be downloaded from the SourceSup Smarties files section.

Android Client

Current binary package: SmartiesClientV2-debug.apk (version 1.4.0). To install on your mobile device just download with your mobile (and maybe click on the downloaded file). The system should propose to install the package (it might be necessary to tell your mobile device to allow installation of applications that are out of the "official market"... ).

Compatibilty Note: versions 1.4.*, 1.3.*, 1.2.* are not fully compatible. In other words, you should use a 1.X.* client with a 1.X.* library (javaSmarties, libSmarties, SmartiesCSharpe).

Java Library

Current "binary" version: javaSmarties-1.4.0.jar

There is also a maven repository with url "". It can be used by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml:

      <name>Smarties Repository</name>

See the java tutorial for more information (Under construction)

C++ Library

Only (easy to compile) source package for now, latest version is libSmarties-1.4.0.tar.gz

The usual sequence: untar, read the README, and then

sudo make install

should work.

C# Library (done for Unity 3D)

Latest and first version:

Just unzip in your Assets directory, this will create two directories OSC/ and Smarties/. Then use it in a similar way than for java. There is nothing specific to Unity 3D, but we only used it in this enironement, the library might work with any C# framework.

Current svn

All the current code are available via anonymous svn.

Android client:

svn checkout

Java Library:

svn checkout

C++ Library:

svn checkout

C# Library:

svn checkout